Sunday, July 11, 2010

Fairmont Ridge Hiking Trail

The area north of Antigonish is often called "Little Cape Breton" for the height, escarpments, beautiful views of the ocean and the hiking trials. And it's less than an hour from our home. The Fairmont Ridge Hiking Trail is one of the best. The map on this board outlines a variety of hikes from 20 minutes to 3 hours.

 The trails climb through gentle hills lined with black spruce, white pine, maple and old-growth hemlock. (The Nova Scotian hemlocks have not experienced the diseases now ravaging New England stocks).
Despite the presence of many streams and ponds, there are very few bugs - unless you sit for a while! This is easy hiking, with wooden bridges, wide paths and even some benches along the way to rest and enjoy the view of the Antigonish Harbor.
The end of the trail leads back to Route 337 through wide fields of hay. Next time, we'll bring some friends and hike all the way to the top.

Here's a final look at one of the ponds along the trail, which was full of water thanks to the beaver dams.

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1 comment:

  1. If you are looking for a vacation that's slightly different from the rest, something that is both relaxing and a lot of fun, then hiking in the beautiful Bryce Canyon is just what you're looking for.

    Bryce Canyon Hiking Trials
